Redmond Internship Program Celebrates Its First Year | Redmond Economic Development Inc.
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Redmond Internship Program Celebrates Its First Year

Redmond Internship Program Celebrates Its First Year

REDI is celebrating its first-year anniversary of hosting Redmond’s internship program, a part of Youth Career Connect – Redmond. The internship program is a year-round project connecting youth in the Central Oregon region with real life work experiences.  It provides a win for businesses in a tight labor force, and a way for students to unleash their own talent and apply skills they’ve learned while potentially earning some extra cash.  Larry Holeman, Redmond Internship Coordinator, provides an update in this month’s Redmond Chamber Business News article from when the program first launched, to current stats, as well as a look ahead to the upcoming school year. If you are a business interested in hosting an intern or a student seeking an internship opportunity, visit for more details.